4 July 2018
11 June 2018
GROPPALLI HVAC has obtained the following certifications on Chimney systems according to : EN14471:2013+A1:2015 EN1856-2:2009 EN14989-2:2007 Thanks to these certifications GROPPALLI HVAC can affix the “CE” marking on the products which is a guaranty of Quality, Safety and Products Reliability in compliance with the European […]
27 February 2018
La Groppalli ha festeggiato il suo 40° Anniversario dalla fondazione (1977-2017). Per l’occasione si è tenuta una Cena di Gala presso la sede di Gragnanino, a cui hanno partecipato tutti i dipendenti, clienti e fornitori.
26 February 2018
22 February 2018